सरकारले रुट परमिट नभएका सवारीसधनको सञ्चालनमा रोक लगाउने निर्णय गरेसँगै तराई बाट आएका सय भन्दा बढि सवारी साधन विपी राजमार्ग अन्तरगत काभ्रेको भकुण्डेवेसी वाट फिर्ता पठाइ दिएको छ
त्यस्तै मकवनपुरको ग्रामीण भेगमा चल्ने १ सय ८५ बससहितका यात्रुवाहक बस सञ्चालनमा प्रहरीले रोक लगाएको छ । हेटौँडाबाट छतीवन फापर वारी, राईगाउँ, नमटार, कोगटे , आग्रा डाडाँ खर्क, गोगने लागएत गा्रमीण क्षेत्रमा सञ्चालित एकसय ८५ वटा वस सहितका यात्रुवाहक सवारी साधन सञ्चालनमा रोक लागाएको नारायणी यातायत व्यावसायी सँघ हेटौँडाका अध्यक्ष बद्रि चौलागाईले बताए । काभ्रेको वृता देउरालीमा रुट परमिट नभएको बस सोमवार दुर्धटनामा पर्दा २७ जनाको मृत्यु भए पछि सरकारले उक्त निर्णय गरेको थियो। -अन्नपूर्ण पोष्ट
.This Story is about growth of ardinary boy a to bold, matured and assertive young man.
Now the boy has become new and strong man and he wants to show how, he has changed. Many years ago, he had seen a lagre lightless and soundless ship passing by his village. It seemed like a village .It disappeared when there were lights and it appeared when it passed the lights. It went to the beach and sank without any noise, which showed there was something wrong. It had to produce a large explosive noise. The next day he knew that it was his dream. He could see no sing of the ship. He could see the huts on the seashore and the amuggler’s ships on the sea but he didn’t tell to anyone.
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